Friday, October 14, 2011

Believe it or not, I'm still hanging around ...

... reading blogs and commenting, but have sooo slacked off on my own. I just kept thinking about some of the funny and nonsensical posts others write that I love, but for the life of me couldn't imagine myself writing something funny or having silly things happening ... until yesterday. Not knee slapping funny ... but when you think about it ...

I've been camping a couple of times since my last post, one was a relaxing trip and the latest was for deer camp. After the first trip as I went to "dump" the black tank, the handle came off the slider ... can't open the tank to get the "poop" out ... oh bother!! Dale came to my rescue - we used pliers to grab the missing handle area and pulled - sideways. We are working in a space a little bigger than a breadbox. Dale was able to open it and after a ton of rinses and then some more rinses he took the WD-40 and lubed the handle-less rod that opens the slider and the funny rubber ring that it goes in to. That slippery feeling didn't last very long ... bummer.

Yesterday I was trying to do the same thing and the 2 prong hose connector broke. It was a good thing that I wasn't trying to open the slider as the hose fell off. I just closed up the "breadbox" door, put the tools away, threw the hose down and said a few choice words, and finally moved the truck off the lawn. I think I can now say that this year I've had a few shitty camping trips ...

I will replace the whole unit along with a connector. If I think about it, it probably was long overdue for breaking. The camper is a 1990, and I bet these parts were original. If the new ones last 21 years, it might not be me dealing with it - can I hope?

Thanks for 'listening' to my sad, sad story ... LOL


Mama Pea said...

That was kinda funny in a perverse sort of way! (Tee-hee!) When we're in the middle of one of those jobs, don't ya wonder what we did to get there?? It's all part of "having fun" but sometimes we wonder if it's worth it.

Good to see a post from you. Hope you're having a good fall.

Paula said...

Sorry about your crappy camping trip! It was quite a sad story...hope you at least got a freezer full of deer meat out of the whole poopy affair!