Sunday, July 7, 2013

Another day ...

There is a slight breeze and the temperature is just hitting 80.  I went out about an hour ago to move some more dirt from the dirt pile to the hugel pile (garden) ... I'm about ready to go out again in a few minutes ... before the sun really hits the pile ... LOL.  I can shovel dirt for about 30 minutes and then I need a good rest. 

Susan and I planted potatoes a little over a month ago and the plants are about 6-8" tall now ... we haven't looked to see if there are any baby spuds yet, but I doubt it.  Maybe in a few weeks?

On the 17th we are going on Dale's birthday camp out, just back up to Topsy, but it is sooo nice up there.  Ron and I will leave about 10-11am to get our spots, but the rest of the gang, especially Dale, won't be there until Thursday late afternoon.  So looking forward to it.

All of a sudden there are clouds out there ... so I really should go shovel some more dirt.  If any of you get bored you can always come help ... LOL.

Had a nice 4th of July.  Spent it with friend and little itty bitty fireworks ... had Bratts, baked beans, macaroni salad and there was cake and ice cream for desert ... um ... no room!  I hope everyone had a great day and evening and stayed safe.

Hugs to all!

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