The weather here is starting to get a bit crazy again. It was 43 (8C) when I got up, which has a brrr factor built in, but it it going up to 93 (35C) this afternoon. Tomorrow will be 95! Then by next weekend it will be back down in the 70's. Global warming or global cooling, go figure.
This was Labor Day 2009. We are getting ready for one more camping trip in about 8 days; wonder what the weather will be then?? Doesn't matter, we are going.
After this trip, there will be work around the property to be done before the snow flies again - and who knows when that might be. We usually don't have sticking snow until right before or right after Thanksgiving, but it is cold in October.
I will also see how all the new weatherization will work. I know it will be wonderful, but I don't know HOW wonderful. I'm looking forward to it. That large white box inside the porch will be full of wood for the stove, and I'm sure it will last longer than in years past.
Well, I need to get back to the crafting. I promise pictures soon!
Hugs to everyone!!