Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not again ...

I'm tired of it, I'm sick of it, but there is nothing I can do about it. It was snowing a lot more than it looks like, but who cares - snow is snow.

Then the next morning I woke up to this. The rock driveway is too warm for the snow to stick, but those little clumps of snow are on top of the pine cones. We got about an inch and it was all gone by the afternoon. A lot of people remember that it has snowed on the 4th of July, but that was before my time here.

My poor daffodils have been laid low three times by snow. I don't think they can take much more as some of them are starting to wilt. I planted some starter Sweet Peas close to them, but they seem to be doing ok.

The pines received a nice little dusting too.

I hope everyone is enjoying Spring sunshine, I can hardly wait until we get some ... LOL!! I hope it is soon as we all leave for camping next Wednesday for a 5 day Memorial Day trip.
Hugs to all.