This was taken almost two years ago, January 29, 2008, and we had snow and lots of icicles!
This was taken on December 27, 2008! This is the kind of snow we are suppose to have.
Our nightly temperatures barely go into the lower 20's, and the daytime temps are up in the mid 40's. Yes, we could still get a huge snowstorm before it's all said and done, but the more time that passes ... the less I think so.
I was sooo happy when we finally got snow on December 30, 2009, but this is what is almost gone now - there isn't even enough to make slush anymore.
Yes, I'm griping. I want my snow. ... OK, I'm done - there's nothing I can do but hope and pray. Lots of prayer.
Next post I promise to be in a better mood.
We got a lot of your snow in Chicagoland, maybe a total of 8 inches over two days. My son was sad that it was spread out enough that the schools didn't close!
This will be a winter to remember, the scary part is that it's only just begun.
Have a greatly blessed day!!!
I love those icicles. I grew up in the mountains of the northeast corner of our state and we always had giant icicles in the winter.
Hope you get snow soon. We're supposed to be getting a giant windstorm tommorrow sometime. Yuck!
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